NECCO builds families!

We are proud to announce our Big Hits and Big Hearts’ featured charity for this bout will be Necco of Florence, KY! Each year we collect gifts (unwrapped) for local children and sadly, for many of these kids, the presents they receive from NECCO will be the first Christmas presents that they ever receive. We need your help! Bring unwrapped toys to our bout on November 4th or email them at to sponsor a specific child. Because every child deserves to be loved and NECCO works so hard to build families so that is possible!

Black-and-Bluegrass Roller Girls are proud to partner with Necco. They offer a variety of services that help to strengthen, build, and empower families. Their services vary by state, but in Kentucky, they assist with adoptions, foster care, alternatives to detention, and behavioral health concerns. They strive to place children in a permanent home but also assist children through services aimed at behavioral and substance abuse concerns. To see how you can make a difference, visit their website at